Farmstrong is a nationwide rural wellbeing programme to help farmers and growers live well to farm well. It was launched in 2015 by the founding partners Mental Health Foundation and rural insurer FMG with support from the Movember Foundation. ACC also joined as a strategic partner.

Why be Farmstrong?
When you look after yourself you’re looking after your farm too. Farming is a job with a unique set of challenges – many are hard to predict or control.
These challenges and pressures aren’t going to disappear. That’s why developing habits that help you perform at your best are so important.
That’s where Farmstrong comes in. Farmstrong shares farmer-to-farmer tips, supported and informed by wellbeing science so the rural community can cope better with the ups and downs of farming.
The core idea behind Farmstrong
Farmers and growers are the most important asset on the farm. Developing small but regular habits that invest in your wellbeing means you will have plenty to draw on during challenging times.
What Farmstrong offers
Farmstrong helps farmers identify areas they want to work on and lock in changes they want to make. Farmstrong collaborates and partners with individuals and organisations to educate, inform, inspire and motivate. Farmstrong understands where farmers and growers are at and offers practical ways to help them make improvements. They do this through:
sharing farmers’ stories about what works for them, supported by tips and advice from research and wellbeing science
creating tools and resources delivered via their website and face to face at agriculture events, workshops and educational forums
encouraging community led events and initiatives that help farmers stay connected and have breaks.
For more information about becoming Farmstrong go to or contact